Barefoot Jerry

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Formed in 1971, they recorded on the Capitol, Warner Brothers and Monument Labels. Made of members from Area Code 615: The original members were: Charlie McCoy, Wayne Moss, Mac Gayden and Kenneth Buttrey. More than 25 members came and went out of the band during it’s 11 years on the road. They played on the Blonde on the Blonde Album by Bob Dylan.

L to R: Si, Jim, Wayne, Terry (in the wagon), Russ (seated), Warren

Members[edit | edit source]

Si Edwards, Drummer

Jim Colvard, Guitar Player

Wayne Moss, Guitar and Bass

Terry Dearmore, Bass and Vocals

Russ Hicks, Steel Guitar Player

Warren Hartman, Keyboard & Sax (went on to produce Kenny Rogers)

External references[edit | edit source]